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RDA Brigadoon provides group riding programs for both children and adults with a disability throughout the year, coinciding with the school terms.  We offer 18 group classes per week operating on Tuesday mornings, all day Wednesdays & Fridays and Saturday mornings. Lessons are normally one hour in duration (this includes mounting and dismounting) but can vary dependent upon the participant's needs and tolerance levels. 


Our programs are goal focused (click here), therefore ensuring we cater to each individual client's needs.  These goals are set by the client with assistance from their coach, therapist, teachers and/or support workers. They are designed to enhance and develop a range of physical, emotional, social and educational goals over a period of time.


Safety is the priority for our clients, volunteers, horses and coaches, therefore lesson plans can change very suddenly depending upon various circumstances.  These factors include but are not limited to: horse and volunteer availability as well as external factors such as weather conditions and nearby disturbances.  It is at the coach's discretion in regard to any modifications to lesson plans.  This may include splitting the class or even doing ground work.  If lessons are cancelled, participants will be notified by email or text message on the day.  Also keep an eye on the Facebook page for last minute updates.


Riders must attend their lessons appropriately dressed for a physical activity.  Shorts or skirts are not suitable for riding - we recommend long pants.  We also recommend sturdy enclosed footwear.  We  do provide a selection of riding boots and helmets for client use as these items are mandatory while riding. Both the boots and helmets are cleaned and disinfected after each use. Please remember your rain jacket during the winter!


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