The welfare of our horses at RDA Brigadoon is of the utmost importance to us. We have an Equine Manager on staff who liaises with the other coaches and the committee to ensure the horse's health and welfare are top priority.
RDA Brigadoon prides itself on reinforcing Equestrian Australia's commitment to best practice, striving for optimal health, safety and welfare of the rider-horse combination. We therefore have a rider weight policy in place which dictates the weight that we ask each horse to carry. This, together with age, fitness and conformation of the horse as well as the stability and muscle tone of the rider are all taken into account when our coaches allocate a horse to a rider. They must continually monitor each horse and rider team to ensure the welfare and safety of the horse. This may mean that although a rider has a preference for a particular horse, there may come a time when they are required to ride a different horse.